Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take Another Little Piece Of....Me!

So tonight was my weigh in at WW and drum roll please.....I am down 2.6 pounds so I am now 180. I celebrate every loss no matter how little and really with the way this week went, I'm surprised I didn't gain! I was definitely satisfied and I will keep going and try to just do better and better.

I had a few set backs this week. First of all, after the Las Vegas Half Marathon back in December, I started experiencing some heel pain in my left foot. Finally, in January, I went to the doctor and he said he thought I had chronic plantar fasciatis. I got orthotics, wore a night splint (basically a boot that you wear at night) and took 2 weeks off of running and walking. It was horrible and in the end the pain was still there. So he did an ultrasound on my heel and figured out that I basically didn't have any cushioning in the fat pad of my heel. Evidently that is the only place I do NOT store fat. :-) He gave me an injection, in the heel of my foot with NO numbing medicines. Ow! Anyway, the pain started back up and I went back on Tuesday to see him. He did the same thing only this time he DID numb it. While I was there, with both kids, I told him I had had a headache for about 4-5 days that I couldn't get rid of and asked if he could give me a shot for that. SOOOO, I left the doctor on Tuesday after 3 shots barely able to move! I had a friend come pick me and the kids up and take us home. The headache came back the next day so I finally just called my neurologist who now has me on a steroid and muscle relaxers every night. So this was a major set back because I just wasn't feeling up to making good decisions on my food nor was I feeling up to running.

That is okay though. Tomorrow is a new day and I will start counting my points again. Tonight at my WW meeting I wrote down how to cook squash so I could try that. If you really know me, you know that I do not cook so while it may seem normal to you to cook squash, it is a brand new endeavor for me. I also want to try something called cauliflower poppers. Next Monday starts my official training schedule for the Savannah Half Marathon. I am very excited about this race. I love Savannah and I am looking forward to going back.

I know next week will be better for lots of reasons: the headaches will be under control, I will be able to run again and most importantly, the babysitter will be back. I am so used to my schedule and the kids have not really enjoyed going to work with me.

I would love to hear from you with any healthy recipes that you have or I know a lot of you grow your own veggies so surely you can tell me ways to cook them! Until next time....


  1. my favorite way to eat squash (besides frying) is to brush them with olive oil, add a little salt and pepper and grill. --almost as good as frying. ;-)

    I hope you keep feeling better and better.

  2. So sorry about your foot & head!!! I pray you get some relief soon! My eyes water just thinking about a shot in the heel!!!!!

    We've gotten tons of squash this year: I do what Christy does - but I'm lazy so I stir them in a bowl of olive oil w/salt, pepper, & have been known to add some Thyme... if I can't grill I'll put them on a baking stone in the oven until they're slightly crispy. You can do the same thing w/some bread crumbs - I like the Italian Seasoned ones - for a little more crunch. I also like to keep some sliced in the fridge & eat them like chips once they're really cold: but Brad does not!
