Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 1 - Just Call Me Gizmo

How cute is this guy, right?
Sure he's cute....until you feed him after midnight and little balls of fur start popping off of him and they turn in to mean nasty gremlins! Okay, okay so I know that that won't happen to me but everything I have read leads me to believe that eating late at night can cause you to hold on to extra weight.
Well that is the last thing that I need! So I have decided that one of the first small goals on my journey is to make it one week without eating after 8pm at night. Eventually, I want to back that up to about 7pm but baby steps!
So today started out pretty good. I started my day off with some cereal and then a few hours later had some sugar free jello. Ate a good lunch that was only 5pts. Then it went downhill. I took a nap when Mason did and for some reason whenever I nap, I wake up CRAVING chocolate. Notice I said craving instead of hungry. Well all will power went out the window. What is it about certain foods that make you lose all control? What do I do to stop it?
It is especially hard on the weekends when I am at home from work. At work, I have a certain "eating schedule" that I follow and I can usually stick to it. However, at home I eat everything that is bad and anytime I want it. Why? Why? Why? Well right now, I know why. We just got back from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio and we haven't had time to hit the grocery store. Tomorrow is the big day. I plan on getting LOTS of fruit. I love fruit and I love it even more now because on the new Points Plus program with weight watchers they are 0 points! I hope to slowly start adding vegetables in as well. I love carrots and cucumbers but I don't get in to all the peppers and other stuff.  I am really looking forward to the trip!
So while today was not that great...tomorrow is a new day and I can and I will do it!
At 8pm tonight, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put a bottle of water beside my bed and I will NOT eat until breakfast in the morning.
So tell me, what healthy items do you buy at the store? My fellow mommies, what healthy recipes do you have that are child friendly? Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Not that I buy healthy.... but I do keep a small tin of Dark Chocolate balls by Godiva, just one seems to help my cravings... or just tricks my brain!!!
