Friday, July 8, 2011

The Beginning

When I was younger I could eat whatever I wanted. I also feel like I had more freedom when I was 10 than I do now at 31. Whenever I wanted to get away from anything I would go outside, grab my bike and ride for hours all over the small town I grew up in. I never remember being hungry until I was in college. I went to an all women's college and we did our share of yo-yo dieting and working out in the "gym" and it was enough that I really didn't gain much weight. My weight gain started when I became pregnant....imagine that. After my beautiful daughter was born, I joined Weight Watchers and LOVED it! I actually ended up losing all of my baby weight and then some. Shortly after I reached my goal, I became pregnant with my handsome little son. He is now three years old and I only weight about 15 pounds less than I did the day he was born.

I recently rejoined Weight Watchers and started their new Points Plus program. It is quite an adjustment from the old method and I have hit a little bit of a downhill slope but I am ready to start really concentrating on ME for awhile. That is the reason I started this blog. I need some accountability and some encouragement. I just want to be honest and put it all out there, no matter how embarassing it is. I hope to only get better.

To help with my weight loss, I have signed up for the inaugural Rock n Roll Savannah Half Marathon. I have done half marathons before and I really enjoy them. I LOVE running and wish I did it more. I have found the only way I keep it up is if I train for something. I have been to Savannah before so I am looking forward to running through the beautiful city. As of today I have about 17 weeks to train and a 16 week training program. I will update on my running as well as my weight loss, again, no matter how embarassing it is.

So here goes. Here are the numbers. I will weigh in every week and do my measurements every two weeks.
Current Weight: 182.6
Left Arm: 14"
Chest: 42"
Waist: 39"
Hips: 46"
Left Thigh: 26"

Ugh! That is so scary to put that out there but the numbers can only go down, right? Please feel free to follow my blog and leave me notes of encouragement or helpful hints. I hope that I will learn a lot on my journey.


  1. Jessica, I admire you for putting yourself out there! I am also so in awe of anyone who runs; because I have tried and tried and it just doesn't seem to be for me. :)

    Good luck with your training! I will follow your blog so I can keep up as you prepare for your half!

  2. So proud of you for being so honest. I can not wait to see how these numbers go down and I know that you will feel so much better. I have found lately that I just can't find the time to exercise like I would like to. I hate it. I feel horrible about myself and know that if I could just get out and run, I would feel so much better. Trying to be creative, might have to do a work out video...but better than nothing! Anyway...thanks for inviting us to join you on your journey!! :)

  3. Jessica, you're so brave! seriously, when I started writing about getting fit/losing weight around January, I decided NOT to post my measurements, just the differences.

    You win the Woman of the Day Award for putting yourself out there. I can't wait to be inspired by what you're doing!

  4. So Proud of you!!! You are an amazing woman, always open, and I'm so excited to get to support you on this journey! Thank you for sharing your heart so willingly! Its just one of the things I love about you!!!
