Friday, June 8, 2012

Jill Montgomery

Jill and Marti
As you know, my friend, Marti Scarborough started this team. Unfortunately, because of her own health reasons, she is unable to participate. Marti was inspired to do the walk by her dear friend Jill Montgomery. I have met Jill and she truly is an amazing person. Below is what Marti wrote about her friend, Jill Montgomery.

"This journey is about this most AMAZING woman I know, Jill Montgomery. I was blessed with her in my life after our youngest children, Emily and Josh, now age 15, became friends years ago. We have developed a friendship that blesses me daily. I truly smile everytime I think of her. She is so inspirational that I would never be able to do her justice by trying to use words. There are so many that come to mind when Jill is involved. Jill and her family can literally "light up" an entire room when they enter. All of them radiate true beauty. A beauty that will never fade because it comes from within.

Jill and her husband
Jill, is a 45 year old Wife, Mother,Daughter, Aunt, Cousin & Friend to hundreds of people in our community and throughout the State of Alabama. She has been involved in helping others with cancer for over 25 years having worked in Hospice, General Surgery nursing and The American Cancer Society. She is the mother of two girls(ages 15, 18) but actually is the mother to every child who enters her home. She loves having fun with all her "kids" and their 2 dogs are the joy of her life.
On February 14, 2012 she was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carinoma found on self exam. Biopsy revealed a 1cm tumor of high grade which will respond to immediate chemotherapy and surgery in the future. Her outlook is so inspiring and positive but she knows the times ahead will be difficult. Please add Jill, Frank, Anna and Emily to your prayers. We know that God will use this trial for His glory and to help others as this disease continues to "try" to destroy God's beautiful creation of women. Jill loves to make others laugh and now it's our turn to help her keep that smile throughout each phase of treatment. "
Jill just finished up her chemotherapy treatments yesterday!! She is now on to Phase II of her treatments. You can donate today to help Jill and thousands of other women beat this fight against breast cancer at Please make a donation toward Jessica Mitchell's or Edie Kyser's fundraising efforts. As Jill and Marti would say, "WE GOT THIS!"
Jill and her family

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