If you know me, you know that I have always claimed to be a runner. I love running. I am not good at it and I will never win a race, of that I am confident but it is my time for me. It is my time to be by myself and think about absolutely nothing or absolutely everything. It is a sport that I don't have to have a partner for. No one is there to judge me or tell me that I am doing it wrong. When I run, I also walk. I run until I need a break and then I walk to rest for a bit.

I was so excited to sign up for the 3-Day walk because it was just that....walking. I don't have to run, just walk. As I was walking this morning, I realized, I am really going to have a problem with that. I know it sounds absolutely insane but my legs and my body are just used to the running movement. I have to keep repeating to myself, "walk...don't run." I would never have thought that would be hard to do. I know that once I really get into the training, I won't have to repeat that over and over.
This week, I started to ease in to the training. On Monday, the training begins with "rest". Really? I have trained for races before (marathon, half-marathons, 5Ks) and I have always found it odd that the very first day of training always begins with "rest". It is really a bit of a let down. Here I am getting excited about my training started and my first day I am supposed to rest. So really the first day of training is Tuesday.
Wish me luck!
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