Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Taken Hostage by Oreos!

I have successfully completed two days of training! Don't they say it takes four days to make a habit? I think I have heard that somewhere before. There is a lot of walking going on during my training runs but there always is in the beginning. For the rest of the week, this is my schedule:

Wednesday: 2 miles or XT
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: Rest

I have a wedding shower and a bachelorette party on Saturday so I may have to move that long run but I can do this!

In other news, I have something a little scary to say. It seems I have been taken hostage by a package of springtime Oreos. I have been talking to a friend about these Oreos and how they will not release me until I eat all of them. It is okay to occassionally treat yourself but bingeing on Oreos probably isn't the best plan but MAN they taste good. Luckily, springtime Oreos are just that, springtime. They won't be around to tempt me much longer. I have actually found that I don't even want anymore but that could be because there are only 3 left. But, if on Thursday, I come to blog and whine about gaining weight or how I didn't lose that much someone please comment and say "lose the oreos".

It is so hard when you are shopping to resist those temptations. You almost feel like you have multiple personalities because you argue with yourself about whether to put the item in your cart. "I don't need to eat this." "Oh, eating just a few won't hurt. You need a little reward from time to time." "Oh but I don't need a food reward." and blah, blah, blah you go on and on until finally you can't take it and you just throw it in the cart and move away fast. Just once, I would love to say, "You don't need it" and put it back on the shelf. I may make that my goal next time I go grocery shopping.

I made a delicious dish in the crock pot today called Sante Fe Chicken. I got the recipe from a website called Ginas Skinny Recipes. Danny and I loved it but the kids weren't crazy about it. Too spicy for them and too many vegetables. I have told my children that they have to start trying new things. They aren't thrilled :-)

So tomorrow, my goal is to do my scheduled workout and make good decisions with the food I eat. That shouldn't be too hard since the Oreos are gone, right?


  1. Girl, this is me too! For me it was ice cream...once it is finished then I can start over right? Never mind that I ate pretty much the whole half gallon by myself. (Not at once, thank goodness, but over time, it was still only me eating it!)

  2. I have been addicted to marshmallows the past couple weeks - ever since I found 3 bags left over from a youth night where we set up a fire pit to make smores....I totally ate an ENTIRE bag the other night!!!! They're not even filling!!!
