So I didn't learn my lesson yesterday. I was up late last night and so when the alarm went off this morning, I could not drag myself out of bed. Hind sight is 20/20 right? So I went to run after work. I was supposed to do 4 miles today but I think I made more like 3.25. It was 98 degrees outside and I felt like I was on FIRE whenever I was in the sun. My skin just boiled it was so hot. I found myself walking faster in the sun so I could get to the shady parts. Ugh, I wanted to cry anytime the sun was on me. I might have to look in to getting a running hat. I am proud of myself for going though. Normally I would have just said I would skip it but I did get out there a sweat a little, well, a lot actually.
Tomorrow I am supposed to either do 2 miles or cross train. I will add on some time or distance to one of those tomorrow to make up for today.

So I thought maybe I would chat about something other than food or exercise for a change and just talk about normal life. My daughter, Mindy, is a very active little girl. She started taking dance before she was even two. A couple of years ago she was invited to do competition dance and I was invited to invest a lot of money :-) She loved doing the competitions and being on stage but the long hours of practice and the weekend competition schedule really got to her and she didn't want to do it again when the time came around to doing it again. She took a year off of the competition team and just took one dance class and started gymnastics. This year I had to drag her to her dance class. I was heartbroken because I wanted her to be a beautiful and fun dancer! I loved the costumes and the awesome routines and I loved going to the competitions! And then I realized, I was living vicariously through her. I was the one that really wanted to be in the cool costumes on the stage doing dance competitions. Can you picture it? Kind of makes you belly laugh, huh? So I got over the no dancing thing and then tonight, her gymnastics coach tells me that they want Mindy to move up to Advanced classes twice a week. I was super excited and then I realized they weren't asking me to join the Advanced classes :-) She has decided that she wants to do it and I don't think that it is going to require as much time as the dancing because she won't be on a team....yet.

The hard thing about having a girl is that you want her to do all the little girl things that you didn't do. Sure I took a dance class and yes I took a gymnastics class but for some reason I never continued it and I hate that! I want her to have every opportunity to do everything she wants, within reason. I wonder if it is the same with Fathers and Sons? I don't notice Danny doing that with Mason.
We are getting ready for school to start next Friday. Mindy is super excited about 1st grade and Mason is not so excited about 3 year old preschool. I know that I will spend at least two weeks peeling Mason off of me to drop him off in the mornings but it will be so nice to have both of them at the school. So close by. They both got their new backpacks and lunchboxes. Mason is excited about that part.
Never a dull moment around here!
Hey Jess! Love your blog! I feel the same way with Carlie that you do Mindy. It's hard not to try to live vicariously through them!