Last week was sort of a rest week since we didn't walk over 5 miles all week. But this week they are bumping us up to 8 and I think next week is 10! This week is my ninth week of training! I am trying very hard to stick to my schedule and I'm not doing too bad at all! For the month of June, I completed 62 miles. The mileage will only get higher and higher! When I was running and training for my other races, I never had blisters or bruised up toes (until the race was actually over). Walking has given me blisters and I swear my middle toenail is going to fall off any day now since it is such a dark shade of purple.
My walks have been extremely hot. I am sweating bullets by the time we are done. But I definitely feel like I have gotten a good workout. The yoga is helping as well, especially with my migraines. I didn't realize how much it helped until I skipped a few times and my headaches started coming back.
Things have finally calmed down a little at home now that swimming lessons are over. The kids are enjoying the air conditioning and an occasional trip to the pool. I have noticed that whenever I have a conversation with Mindy, it centers around a television show or a commercial that she saw. So we have decided to start limiting her T.V. time. What do you limit your kids to?
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