I am horrible about not finishing projects! If you haven't noticed, let me tell you about the fact that I haven't updated my mileage in awhile. I have no idea exactly where I left off but I am going to try to re-total tonight and change it. I love to start projects and never finish them. Last year at work, I made a diary of sorts of what I did everyday at work. I figured once I got through a year, I could then have a calendar that reminded me when things needed to be done. I had this at Judson and it was very helpful. I did very well for about 6 months and then one day, for no particular reason I stopped. Oh, and don't even get me started on scrapbooking!! Mindy's books are done through about 4 years old and she is now 7. Mason's don't even make it to his second birthday. I know there isn't a lot of time when you work full time and have two children but I want to do them so bad but just don't have the energy. I could go on and on about the projects I haven't finished but I won't bore you.
I only have 11 days left until Savannah! I did 8 miles on Sunday even though it was supposed to be 9. Danny and the kids came to bring me the Gu that I forgot and they stayed at the park to play. It started raining on mile 8 so we just packed up and went home. I was very happy with my 8 miler. By the end, I wasn't near as tired as I would normally be and I wasn't near as sore. It makes me feel a lot better about the actual race. Today I have 5 miles to do. I am on a little bit of a time constraint today and I have to be home by 4:45 so it will depend on what time I leave work.
Anyone have any suggestions on food, shopping and fun stuff to do in Savannah??
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