The Great: I have fantastic news! One of the women I was walking in honor of, Jill Montgomery, just had her double mastectomy after months of chemo and radiation. The pathology came back ALL CLEAR!! Thank you for all of your support and prayers and congratulations to Jill and her family!
The Good: Training is going well. I was able to get back on track this past week and I feel much better. I'm not going to lie to you...the training is tough, especially now that we are getting into our double digit mileage. Overall, it isn't bad and we are making it through. Edie has almost made it to her fundraising goal and then we are on our way! We watched the safety video the other day and it really got us pumped up! Edie was a little concerned when they went over the camping and what sort of weather we could end up camping in but she still showed up for our 12 mile walk this weekend so I guess she is still on board!
after 12 miles |
The Bad: I SWEAT! I mean, WOW! This morning, Edie and I met to do our 12 mile walk and I promise you I was sweating before I even got my car locked. I am seriously a bad sweater! By the time we were halfway through I could have used a whole new set of clothes! I decided to look it up and did you know that a person is born with about two to four million sweat glands?? If that is the normal amount then I am positive that I have about a billion :-) The picture that I took after my walk today really doesn't even do it justice. I couldn't wait to get home and take a shower and get rid of those soaking wet clothes! I wasn't feeling that great between mile 10 and 11 and it is probably because I was dehydrated. I went through 4 bottles of water and 2 gatorades but still, hours later, I am feeling the effects of slight dehydration and I think it is due to the excessive sweating. Thank goodness, October is cooler than August!
The Ugly: and boy is this ugly! When I was running, I really never had these weird things happen to me but I finally decided to take a picture of my bruised toe to show you the kind of damage that walking has caused. Now, this bruised toe is nothing compared to the damage that breast cancer can cause but it is my own little battle. I would like to apologize. I naturally have ugly feet and toes but they aren't normally purple. This toenail has actually already fallen off and grown back before it bruised up but I had kind of forgotten about the bruise until I took my nail polish off. I will probably have to cover it up soon because it is so gross!
Well, there you have it! Just a short little update on the great, the good, the bad and the ugly!